Our Volunteers

We are greatly indebted to our volunteers who assist us at meetings and events to set up seating, make tea and coffee, meet and greet our members, serve it and tidy up afterwards and perform many other functions that make our events and meetings run smoothly.

If you wish to join our volunteers please speak to one of our officers another volunteer or contact us via our various e-mail address or the contact form.

Web Design

This website has been designed by Marie Hegarty and implemented by Michael Diver. The photographs we use are provided by our members and taken from Ballymoney u3a events, activities and social events. We thank those members for providing these.

The technologies used to develop this website include WordPress and themes from Elegant Themes. We would be grateful if you would inform us of any issues with our website and we will endeavour to resolve these as quickly as possible. Please use our contact form or the e-mail contacts shown on our “Contact/Join Us” page.